I also am missing a camouflage 12 ft Jon boat. Please let me know if you spot it. It got loose
from my dock as well. I’m at 240 Suncrest.
Thanks. Todd Flanders
2 Responses
I believe that both of the missing boats are at my dock 258 Suncrest Blvd. I was out of town in AK celebrating my 10th wedding anniversary. The boats were recovered by my sweet 12 year old neighbor while I was gone. I can send a pic if necessary.
I believe that both of the missing boats are at my dock 258 Suncrest Blvd. I was out of town in AK celebrating my 10th wedding anniversary. The boats were recovered by my sweet 12 year old neighbor while I was gone. I can send a pic if necessary.
Thanks, Clayton. Both parties missing their boats should have received your comment. Hopefully they will pick up their boats soon.
If they don’t, let me know and I will re-post the info.