Missing dogs

Hi neighbors! Our dogs, Charlie and Lulu, slipped out of our fence this morning. Please call/text me at (912) 308-8320 if you see them!

Annual Meeting reminder

Lake Property Owners   We are holding our Talahi Lake annual meeting on December 10 at 7 pm at the Talahi Island Community Center. Our agenda will include: Introduction of the board Review of our financial performance and financial condition … Read More

Floating Kayak

This kayak is floating in the middle of the south end of the lake.  It hasn’t floated close enough to a dock to capture it yet. Renee

Missing dock table

This table was blown off during the storm. It should be floating around somewhere in the lake. If you locate it, please call us at 912-604-6123. Thank you

Annual meeting

Lake Neighbors, Our annual meeting for the lake will be held on December 10 at 7 p.m. We will meet at the Talahi Island Community Center on Quarterman (north of route 80) Our agenda will include: Introduction of board members, … Read More