Lost Dog

Do you know who this dog belongs to. He was wandering Suncrest Blvd. call 912-665-5753 with any info. He is currently resting at 266 Suncrest Blvd.  Sarah

Missing Blue Kayak

Looking for a missing blue sit-on-top kayak.  I thought I had all three kayaks tied-down and together before the storm, but mother nature showed me that she knew better.  Still have 2, one missing. Steve Turner 18 Twelve Oaks Drive … Read More

Home Healthcare

Hey neighbors, I’m again looking for someone to come into my home an average of 15 – 20 hours per week Monday – Friday to help with my husband.  If anyone has experience with someone, please send me their name … Read More

Lake Spraying on Wednesday

Estate Management will be treating the lake this Wednesday.  Bill Oakley, our VP, has given him a list of members who need extra spraying around their docks. Happy Labor Day! Renee

Kayak on the Loose

This kayak was seen floating on the east side of the lake. It is on the Suncrest side and across from 26 Twelve Oaks. Thanks Donna for the picture! Renee