Minutes Lake Member meeting 2024

Here are the minutes of our December Annual meeting for lake members.

Noted in the minutes is a promise from me to provide an answer to a question about plants around the lake. I will have an answer soon.

Bill Oakley,

President, Talahi Lake Management Corp. Inc.



Date: December 10, 2024

Board of Trustees In Attendance:

  • Bill Oakley, President
  • Vacant, Vice President
  • Kim Hickey, Treasurer
  • John Albright, Secretary
  • Jackie Johnson, Board Member at Large
  • Dave Hickey, Past President

Not in Attendance:

  • Renee Christensen, Board Member at Large

Association Members In Attendance:

  • Joe McAllister
  • David and Susan Missroon
  • Ricky and Rita McAllister
  • Mary Day
  • Sheila Johnson
  • Kathy Oakley
  • Al and Donna Cantrell
  • Tom Owens


Meeting Start Time: 6:58 p.m.                   Meeting Location: Talahi Island Community Center


Bill Oakley, President, opened the meeting and welcomed everyone in attendance.  The board was introduced to the members in attendance.  Bill Oakley introduced the newest incoming member of the board, Rita McAllister, who was in attendance.

Lake Maintenance Status

Bill Oakley noted that additional carp was added to the lake this past year.  It was also noted that the board procured a quote from a different lake management agency to compare services and pricing against the current company that we contract with, Estate Management Corporation. In term of pricing and perceived difference in value, the board decided to stay with Estate Management who we have utilized since 2008.  Jackie Johnson reported that this past year, Estate Management has been responsive and each time they treated the lake either him or Bill were present and road along with them a majority of the time.   From the board’s perspective, Estate Management was responsive to our concerns and followed up accordingly to any specific treatment requests that were submitted by our membership.  The board encouraged everyone to put their address on their dock if they have one to make it easier for Estate Management to continue to address specific concerns.

One concern was presented by an attending member that he was disappointed with the growth and weeds around their dock this past year, which is located on one of the corners in the northside of the lake.  Bill Oakley noted that managing the clarity and algae/weed growth in the lake can be a difficult task and is largely affected by mother nature and the time of the year.  For example, when the lake is clean and clear it can produce an environment that facilitates algae and weed growth.  Therefore, maintaining the balance between a clear lake with weed growth and a less clear lake with minimal weed growth can be a moving target but continues to be our goal.  Jackie Johnson did state that Estate Management does a good job with treating issues according to the severity level and location/depth around each dock.  In addition, it was noted that there can be a variance between member preference of the lake condition depending on whether they want to swim, boat or fish more.

Another member asked if there are types of plants/bushes that should or should not be planted by the lake edge.  Bill Oakley responded by saying he was not aware of any specific plants but would follow up with Estate Management to get their input.  Another question asked by a member was whether or not the idea of installing turtle traps has been discussed.  Bill stated that at this point, turtle traps have not been option discussed at the board level and is not an initiative currently planned.

Bill Oakley presented that earlier in the year John Albright led an effort to manage the spillway and drainage canal on the southeast side of the lake that flows under highway 80.  John Albright noted that a decent amount of debris was removed to include trash and building material.  Additional clearing of bushes down the canal all the way to highway 80 will be needed to maintain proper water flow.  It was noted that the metal grate at the mouth of the drainage canal will need some minor repair to prevent additional material and debris from entering the canal.  John stated that he will post a message to the website prior to the next cleanout sessions to attempt to garner some assistance from the membership.

Lake Access

Bill Oakley presented the potential issue of lake access that will likely come to fruition in the near future.  The piece of property that currently provides access may come up for sale and if sold will require the board to identify a new access point.  Bill Oakley noted that this is on the board’s radar and all options are being evaluated.  As soon as any adequate solutions are identified, the board will notify the membership.


Bill Oakley noted that Renee Christensen manages our website but is not present to provide any updates or answer any questions.  Currently, there are no issues or concerns to highlight regarding the website.  The website and membership email remains as our main method of communication regarding lake news, issues and current events.

Treasurer’s Report

Kim Hickey presented on the financial status of the membership.  Annual dues collected this year stand at $20,700.  This represents all but two annual dues payments.  Expenses were close to $15,000 but were $4,000 under budget.  Currently, we have over $20,000 in the bank.  Bill Oakley noted that it is important to create and maintain a reserve in the bank for unplanned expense that arises throughout the year.  One question presented by a member was whether or not the expense to remove a tree that falls into the lake is the responsibility of the property owner or the lake board.  Bill Oakley stated that if a tree on a member’s property falls into the lake, the expense to remove that tree belongs to the property owner.

President’s Report

Bill Oakley presented that the board has engaged with a law firm in Atlanta (Lueder, Larkin & Hunter) to assist with issues that require professional legal counsel.  One of the top concerns that remains is the presence of short-term rental properties on the lake.  Bill noted that the board understands the significance of this issue and plans to continue to work on a long-term solution within the resources available to the board.  The board will continue to keep the membership updated with the progress on this situation.  An attending member did ask whether or not the board had any insurance that covered the board and Bill Oakley confirmed that the board procured a Director’s and Officer’s policy this past year.

Bill noted that the board has discussed the idea of planning a boat parade for the end of the year.  More details regarding the boat parade will be shared in a post on the website.  When it comes to vessels used on the lake, the board is considering reinstituting a registration system that includes registering vessels and requiring decals to be placed on approved vessels.


Meeting Adjourned: 7:34 p.m.

Minutes prepared by: John Albright, Secretary


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